This SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOL is designed to support your professional development using our Talk, Trust, Feel, Repair framework. Note, some of the questions ask for percentages. You decide your tipping point – where you are teaching more and dealing less with disruptive behaviors. The rest of the questions are for reflection- check off the ones you do consistently.

____ % of my students can regulate their behaviors independently.

____ For my students who are still struggling learning appropriate classroom behaviors, I call families

with positive feedback whenever this student makes a behavior breakthrough.

____% of my students have had meaningful opportunities to contribute to the classroom community

(class jobs, discussions, leadership roles).

­­­I devote ____% of instructional time to check in and determine how my students feel.

____ My students see their cultures and identities positively represented in my curriculum &

classroom environment

I know ____% of my students well.

____ I make time to repair relationships with students after a distressing interaction.

____ I have a critical friend(s) who support me when I am stressed (e.g. will let a student work in their

classroom, listen without judgement and advise, plan)

____ I have a self-care plan and follow it ____% of time.

____ I am able to respond to disruptive/disrespectful students in a proactive way _____% of time.

I feel ______% of my students trust me.

I feel _____% parents/guardians of my students trust me.

I devote ____% of my break time for students to hang out or get extra help.

___ I feel comfortable seeking advice from colleagues (counselor, school psychologist) to determine how

to handle a difficult conversation or getting feedback about my behavior after a confrontation with a


____% are on target for meeting end of the year standards.

I feel confident

I could use more support with

I will