January is a good month to reflect on your school’s transformation to practicing trauma-informed, trauma-sensitive strategies. Use this multi-tiered checklist to evaluate your progress and plan next steps. This checklist compliments the book, Building Resilience in Students Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences.
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Building Resilience: School Self-Assessment
N=Not Implemented P=Partially Implemented F=Fully Implemented or Due Date |
Tier 1 |
Resilient Students
____Clearly communicated and consistent routines and expectations both in individual classrooms and school-wide ____School staff have received professional development on the prevalence and impact of ACEs & trauma ____Staff are intentional in building and maintaining relationships with all students ____Students understand “Brain in the Hand” or an equivalent means to communicate their emotions and state of arousal ____Educators view behavior as a form of communication & implement strategies to foster students’ sense of safety, belonging, & feeling valued ____Students have routines and spaces for regulation in every class (Go Noodle, calm down corners, mindful minutes, etc.) ____Class meetings, circles, or check-ins occur at least once a week in each class ____Students have meaningful opportunities to contribute to the school community (class jobs, leadership opportunities, etc.) ____Social-emotional learning is taught by the classroom teacher and integrated into instruction and classroom management ____Behavioral issues are responded to with Restorative Practices ____If students are removed from class due to a behavioral issue they engage in a “Ready to Learn” process ____Students see their cultures and identities positively represented in the curriculum & school environment ____School clubs and extracurriculars affirm students in their cultures and identities ____Teachers have a “Growth Mindset” and encourage learning and effort Resilient Educators ____Staff circles occur at least once a month ____Schoolwide practices foster self-care, community, collective problem-solving, sense of purpose, & social-emotional well-being among staff ____Educators have identified in-the-moment strategies to self-regulate and are supported by building-wide practices such as Tap-in/Tap-out ____Teachers have time and support during PLC’s, or common planning, to develop social-emotional and/or behavioral interventions Resilient Families & Communities ____Families receive regular strengths-based communication about their student(s) ____Partnerships with community organizations address students’ and families’ fundamental needs (ex: “food to go” programs, etc.) ____Families are informed of the supports and services available to them in a language that they understand ____School addresses barriers to family engagement: childcare, transportation, trust, welcoming environment, language/translation, etc. |
Tier 2 |
____Tier 2 students participate in a mentoring program or Check-in/Check-out ____Social-emotional small groups (typically 4-6 weeks) help students build relationships, regulation skills, communication, & problem-solving ____Families are engaged through a variety of means including home visits, restorative circles, etc. ____Electives are offered that embed social-emotional learning within content (ex: a CTE course includes a lesson on nonviolent communication) ____School leaders identify groups of students who need additional, focused support ____Community organizations provide students with culturally responsive opportunities for support and/or enrichment
Tier 3 |
____Tier 3 intervention plans are strength-based, relationship-oriented, and provide support to both the student and teacher(s) ____Tier 3 students receive tailored supports that may include an alternative schedule, regulation breaks, one-on-one counseling, etc. ____Behavior scripts, escalation maps, and/or safety plans disseminated to staff to support students with severe behavioral escalations ____Wraparound services are provided to students and families in partnership with community organizations and mental health professionals ____Regular communication with families seeks to: foster trust; connect them with resources; and provide support
Foundational Structures:
____Data reflects academics, behavior, attendance, and culture/climate ____Leadership team prioritizes and implements schoolwide practices that foster educator and student resilience ____A screening and referral process is used to identify students who need additional social-emotional and/or behavioral support ____A Tier 1 Team uses data to develop and implement schoolwide social-emotional & behavioral supports ____A Tier 3 team develops and implements interventions for Tier 3 students
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